Crisis and Disaster Management in the United States (Dayton, Li, Wicker)

This book introduces the reader to a new kind of case study methodology currently being used to investigate crisis and disaster management in the United States. We have found that this methodology can help academics and public officials to better understand: 1) the dynamics and processes (individual, group, institutional; bureaucratic; and psychological) that impact decision […]

Crisis Management

This course examines leadership in times of crisis. The goal is to better understanding the key dynamics that influence the way that decision makers perceive of and respond to crises and the kinds of decision making and institutional processes that facilitate effective crisis management. Real life case illustrations, exercises, and simulations give participants an interactive […]

Crisis Management: A Definition (Dayton)

Recent highly-publicized instances of severe crises, such as the 9-11 attacks, the Asian Tsunami of 2004, and the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, coupled with the increasing belief that dependency on vulnerable and critical infrastructure has made modern societies more vulnerable to crises, has elevated interest in crisis management among policy makers, managers, and researchers. There remains, […]